The past two years have been manic. At one point, I had to ask myself, "has the world gone mad?" We had shortages of toilet paper, empty supermarket shelves, restrictions on who we could see, where we could go, what we could do, I couldn't have imagined it even if I tried.
When churches started closing, restaurants stopped serving food and businesses disintegrated, that thing known as 'stability' vanished. It was just a matter of daily survival.
In those moments of sheer and utter madness, I couldn't rely on my family, my job, my health, my bank account or even my own mind. Nothing made sense.
I can be a control freak at times, and for the first time in my life I saw things for what they really were. Never mine to control.
Before the pandemic started, I was comfortable. No, I wasn't rich, but I wasn't broke either. I didn't have unlimited amounts of food, but I never skipped a meal. I didn't live in a million pound mansion, but I had a roof over my head and a bed to sleep in. I didn't have everything I wanted, but I had more than I needed.
Humans are quick to praise God when things go to plan and in the same breath quick to reject Him when we don't see His purpose.
During this pandemic season, I've experienced some of my lowest moments. When I saw life as I knew it slipping through my fingers I was mad. Livid in fact. Why would God allow this? Why would God let this happen? Is this what love actually looks like?
Like many others in a crisis, I had lost focus. Instead of fixing my eyes on God, I was fixing my eyes on what Satan was doing in the world. I focused on pain and destruction. I was angry at what I didn't understand. I was living in fear of the unknown.
One thing I love about God is His character. He has the power to reject me and destroy me on the spot, but instead, He always chooses mercy. He directs me to His promises and reminds me of relevant truth.
I lift up my eyes to the mountains— where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip— He who watches over you will not slumber; indeed, He who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord watches over you— the Lord is your shade at your right hand; the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord will keep you from all harm— He will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore. - Psalm 121
When I had no control, God had every control.
God never promised us a life free of pain. God never promised us a life free from complications. God also never promised us the expectations of life we have in our heads. What He has promised is to be there every step of the way. To be the help we need in times of trouble, to watch over us every second of every single day and by doing this remind us that we are unconditionally loved.
Right here right now, we need to look beyond the crisis. We need to look up. We need to remember that no matter what heartaches, fears and viruses plague us here and now, we serve a living God who is still in control. He loves us and He will never let us go.
Seconds have turned into minutes, minutes into days, days into months, and just like that we're about to start a new year, again! I don't know what your experience has been like these past couple of years but I challenge you to look up.
God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. - Psalm 46:1
What is God doing in your life right now? What can you do to keep your eyes focused on Him when everything else around you is falling apart? Take some time this week to reflect on your relationship with God. Ask Him to be everything that He promises to be - a very present help in trouble.
Before I go, I just wanted to leave you with this beautiful song and I pray that you are blessed by it. Whether you're on a hill or in the valley, God is God of both and you are not alone.
About the Author
Hi, my name is Laura Jane
In short I love God and love to serve him through business and ministry. I would describe myself as an entrepreneur/fashion designer. God has blessed me with an African Fashion brand - Asikara ( and a Christian clothing brand - Stay Lit Apparel ( two outlets in which I can spread His love to people I may never even meet. I also love to sing and I’m so grateful to be a part of a ministry called Scripture Says Acappella (